- Only registered groups and structures shall be allowed to take part in the march past;
- Each group will march following the prescribed order and the number of participants registered on the march past train;
- For any guidance you may need, kindly get in touch with the march past supervisors;
- Punctuality, discipline, courtesy and mutual respect are mandatory;
- Wearing any other fabric, than that of the IWD, as well as: high heels, slippers, handbags and other objects for advertisement (umbrellas, telephones, foodstuffs, etc.) is strictly proscribed;
- For security purposes, all blunt objects or edged weapons are strictly forbidden;
- Only persons of 15 years and above will be allowed to take part in the march past (babies, little girls or small boys less than 15 years will not be allowed to march);
- No indecent dressing shall be tolerated such as (back and stomach exposed, exposed back, miniskirt, short dresses, low waist trousers).
- The distribution of tracts (religions, political parties, trade unions, etc.) is strictly proscribed;
- Animals are not allowed during the march past;
- Only messages validated by the Organising Committee of the IWD are authorised.
NB: The number of participants per square is 49, 64, 81,100 or 144, depending on the number of persons marching in each structure.
Registration for the march past can be done at the following places:
- MINPROFF’S Central Mail Service, Room 219, for administrations, Companies, NGO’S and Churches;
- DRPROFF/Centre, DDPROFF/Mfoundi and all DAPROFF/MFOUNDI for women’s networks and associations based in Mfoundi division up to 28 February 2025 (registration deadline).